
Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Have you ever noticed Alex's eyebrow? Indeed, I'm sure that you have, but it is not an eyebrow, but a unibrow. What makes it a unibrow, is the thick thatch above the bridge of his nose, which is, in fact, composed of many microscopic antennae (see photo on right)

These antennae pick up coded radio messages from Nazi spaceships, which are responsible for Alex's prolific yabberings. If you have noticed Alex's facial tics, these are caused by the jolt to his nervous system, when a message from his SS Fuhrer (SS = Soppy Scotty) is beamed down to him. Another side effect of these messages is flatulance, hence why Alex is often seen rolling his eyes (see photo on right)

As the methane levels in his bedsit, reach dangerous proportions, Alex has to open his windows and leave his bedsit, when he does this, he has to wear a diving suit (of the old fashioned variety) to prevent the methane escaping and blowing-up innocent civilians (See below left)

The German government are trying to invent an intergalactic rocket launcher, to shoot down the pesky Nazi spaceships, but until then, Alex is still blabbering nonsense about crop circles, his own superiority and other rubbish. Our only hope , is to ignore the farty-fellow and hope that one day he shouts to his SS Fuhrer "Beam me up Scotty!!".

Friday, February 26, 2010

Neo-Nazi Yoga Still Fails To Draw Followers

Even after the much hyped campaign by notorious international Neo-Nazi hate campaigners, Nick Griffin, Roberto Fiore, Paul Fromm, Ernst Zundel the Third Way yoga has still not caught on.
It seems no one else wants to put their head that far up their arse.

New World Order in total disarray.

Today has been one of those “will go down in the history books” type of days, as it will be remembered as one of those defining moments in the history of mankind.
Two astounding events have apparently unfolded that have sent panic and shock waves around the world which will be felt for years.
World leaders are shaken and stock markets are on the brink of collapse.

And why?

Because the conspiracy theorist were right all along.
There is a New World Order; and today the leader of it has revealed himself to the world.
Apparently it’s a 45 year old man called Claude Monnet from Paris. And why has he revealed this fact today of all days?
Because, he says, he does not want to do it anymore.
He says the hours are terrible and the pay is really not that good.
So he says he’s given up world domination and decided to buy a small café in Marseilles and that’s what he intends to do with the remainder of his life. No more illegal assassinations, no more puppet states, no more fake moon landings or hidden agendas in vaccinations, no more Bermuda triangle or Illuminate dinner and dances.
He just wants to make a nice cup of espresso for people who appreciate good coffee.

Obviously when this new broke the world leader’s initially panicked but then quickly rallied and released statements about the event. Here are a few of them:
Americas President Barack Obama said “Well, that was a surprise”
Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown said “What’s a New World Order, and why wasn’t I invited?”
Frances President Nicolas Sarkozy stated “I like Espresso and wishes him well”
Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said “Sorry I was out when it happened and I have witnesses."

Obviously Scott Roberts has drawn a lot of attention for this revelation as he has been stating it for years. Apparently he was last seen running through the American countryside completely naked, except for his Sunday best tin hat shouting “so who’s the crazy one now, c’mon tell me, who’s the crazy one now?”

So what happens now we all ask? What does this mean to the world?
Now that the New World Order is out in the open what is their agenda?

Well apparently their first thing they intend to do is find a new leader.
A spokesman announced today, not long after the announcement by Claude Monet, that it will be along the lines of the X-factor/America’s got Talent type of search.

Simon Cowell has already agreed to run the show, he has even stated he might even enter it himself.
When asked about what they are looking for he said “Obviously I have been in talks with the NWO for some time about the possibility of doing this for them. And we have outlined what, to us, would be the attributes we are looking for which include:

· A desire to bend the world to ones will.
· Total and utter paranoia.
· Willingness to use any means for the desired ends.
· A strong dislike of Esspreso

. And Wanting the number 1 christmas single

He also stated that everyone who enters the competition to be NWO Leader must sign a legal document to state “they will not walk out of the job to run a café in poxy Marseilles when they get bored of it all”.
Already rumours are flying around the globe as to who will enter the competition, and who will be the judges.
Internet polls are already taking bets that the judges could include:

· David Duke
· David Icke
· Mariah Carey

And a rumoured special guest, who could possibly be a Neo-Nazi British Political Figure.
As for who will be in the running for NWO, your guess is as good as ours.
But apparently it is going to be by invitation only, which we at the FI Blog find totally unacceptable and have thus set up a petition so we can challenge this ruling.
If you would like to submit your name to this petition and enter the New World Order Factor competition please click below to sign the petition.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Will I Ever Afford a New Set of Teeth?

The reason why I initially joined the Klan was that suddenly I noticed what a clever way to hide my missing and rotten teeth that protective, albeit ridiculous-looking, bedsheet is. I have to admit, I was not a racist bigot at that time, but only joined the Klan for the aforementioned purely practical reason. But, as a flexible and easy learning person, I soon learned the genuine Klansman principles. However, to be honest, I am still fantasizing about a new, bright and white, set of teeth. Back in 2005, I even tried a nice little fraud by redirecting Hurricane Katrina charitable funds to myself. The miserable kikes revealed my plot, and I was left without new teeth. My bad teeth is a Jewish conspiracy; I knew it, and now it is proven.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Could Scott’s Racism Have Been Cured By Some Special Footwear ?

Breaking news is reaching us that a medical specialist has revealed some interesting hypothesis about Scotty. Professor F.D. Rutemburg of the Hamburg University for the Racialy Challenge seems to think so. Well this is what his latest research findings appear to giving weight to.
Apparently Scott was born with a body disability, which was one leg was shorter than the other.
Obviously as he reached his teens Scott hid this with some specialist medical aids, but for the early part of his life he was bereft of any such items.
Apparently the report points out that up until Scott was 12 years old it was a sever disability and extremely apparent. Scott was ok when he took his time but as soon as he got excited and he would try to run, and due to the leg disability he would end up running around in a circle.
This became a serious embarrassment and problem for Scott which was highlighted when he was 8 and decided to run away from home, which actually occurred 47 times that day as he kept ending up where he started. From this incident he became known as the “boomerang kid”.
Many such incidents like this happened in Scotts early years.
School class photos were a particular difficulty which could have been easily avoided if Scott had agreed to put his shorter leg on a stool. But strong willed Scotty would have none of it, which meant all his class mates had to lean to the same angle as Scott and the camera had to adjusted accordingly.
Professor Rutenburg concludes from this that Scots view of the world became extremely bitter, although in all honest he did not see much of it and the bits he did see he seen again and again and again.
Although Scottys extreme racism and anti-Semitism have manifested from these things and he is well know for it professor Rutenberg believes he is curable.
He recommends an intensive course of electro-shock treatment, enemas and a forced regime of straight line walking without his leg extension attachment.
Yes Scotty gait might still be a tad wonky but at least he will leave all his hate behind him and become a valuable member of society, rather than a burden to it.

Friday, January 29, 2010

It was a different time, the 1980's. Already, Scotty was
showing his softer, feminine side After puberty, his ears
were cropped by a veterinarian.